Tuesday 18 April 2017

Secret diary of a cool girl: Disability

Low angles on the woman and then high angles on the man, this shows the difference between the disabled person and the abled person. The camera pans around the whole flat, showing us what is in it.

Mise en Scene:
The dad's dungarees show that he is of working class. There is bright lighting all throughout the clip, it was clear that the disabled boy didn't really like this because he looked rather uncomfortable and maybe for that situation he may have preferred it to have been a bit darker. There is 2 abled people and only 1 disabled person throughout the clip, this shows the minority groups. The dad wasn't sure on what to do while he was waiting for his son and this shows to the audience that this is something very out of the blue for the son to be doing. There is natural makeup on both of the men in the clip, the lady seems to be wearing a lot of makeup. The wheelchair can be used as a prop as this shows the difference between the boy and the other two actors in the clip. The bedroom setting doesn't seem to be suitable for the boy which shows to the audience why the boy looks uncomfortable.

The pace throughout the clip is quite slow and awkward, this could relate to the boys normal everyday life. The disabled boy gets a lot of the screen time, which subverts the stereotype that disabled people are forgotten about.

The loud music doesn't match the slow and awkward scene. There is lots of dialogue: "Can you feel that?" this shows to the audience that the lady doesn't really understand what disabilities the boy actually has.

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