Monday 24 April 2017

Film Industry Question: Exemplar

I have studied the film industry and this is dominated by the big six. The big six is made up of six film production companies, these are: 20th Century Fox, Universal, Walt Disney, Paramount, Warner Brothers and Sony.
Walt Disney (commonly known as Disney) is one of the main production companies in the world, it is an entertainment conglomerate and it is headquartered in California. It is the world's second largest media conglomerate. As it is part of the oligopoly of the big six, this allows it to have great power in the film industry.
One of  Disney's biggest movies was Frozen.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Secret diary of a cool girl: Disability

Low angles on the woman and then high angles on the man, this shows the difference between the disabled person and the abled person. The camera pans around the whole flat, showing us what is in it.

Mise en Scene:
The dad's dungarees show that he is of working class. There is bright lighting all throughout the clip, it was clear that the disabled boy didn't really like this because he looked rather uncomfortable and maybe for that situation he may have preferred it to have been a bit darker. There is 2 abled people and only 1 disabled person throughout the clip, this shows the minority groups. The dad wasn't sure on what to do while he was waiting for his son and this shows to the audience that this is something very out of the blue for the son to be doing. There is natural makeup on both of the men in the clip, the lady seems to be wearing a lot of makeup. The wheelchair can be used as a prop as this shows the difference between the boy and the other two actors in the clip. The bedroom setting doesn't seem to be suitable for the boy which shows to the audience why the boy looks uncomfortable.

The pace throughout the clip is quite slow and awkward, this could relate to the boys normal everyday life. The disabled boy gets a lot of the screen time, which subverts the stereotype that disabled people are forgotten about.

The loud music doesn't match the slow and awkward scene. There is lots of dialogue: "Can you feel that?" this shows to the audience that the lady doesn't really understand what disabilities the boy actually has.

Monday 17 April 2017

Task 10: Distribution

Distribution is the making and delivering of a film to an audience.
A film distributor is in charge of the marketing of the film, this means that they will for example make the trailer for the film, they will then decide what the trailer is released on e.g you tube. They will also decide when the trailer is released, this means how many days or weeks before the film is actually out in the cinema. The distributor may also have social media accounts where they will advertise the film on, this is an easy way to promote their film as it is free and also it is a big hit as many people in the world nowadays have a social media account themselves, or they have access to one.

Digital Technology Essay

Evaluate the role of digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption of products?
1.      Digital technology used in production, distribution, exchange and exhibition of a film.  
2.      I studied the film industry, I’m going to discuss production, distribution, exchange and exhibition within the production of a film. Within the production stage of a film there is here stages, pre-production which is before shooting begins, for example storyboards are made, the location is decided, the set is made, then you have production and this is the point of no return, at this stage they’re not financially stable to cancel the project. Then the third stage is post-production, this is when the footage is edited, the sound track is done and the sounds effects are added on. Within the distribution stage of a film, this is where the film producers take control. The first stage would be where the investor or a studio decides to purchase the rights to the film. There would be a licensing agreement with the distribution company. Examples of distribution are: trailers, free preview of the film and websites. In the exchange stage of a film this is how well the audience views the film so for example, o Netflix, in cinema, on DVD or on streaming. Within the exhibition stage it depends on the type of audience the film is wishing to achieve. For example: YouTube (trailer) would have a large audience, whereas vimeo would have a more specific audience.
3.      Digital technology plays a very important role in the production of films. Distribution is a key factor in the production of films as this is the stage where people are made aware of the film and get to know what the film is all about. The film producers take control of this stage in the production. Within this stage, a studio or an investor will decide to purchase the rights pf the film, they will then get licensing equipment from the distribution company. Then the marketing for the film will begin to be made, for example the main marketing of a film is a trailer, this gives the audience insights to small parts of the film and normally leaves the audience with questions about what is going to happen next, and this is what usually makes the audience want to go and see the film when it comes into the cinema. Another way that a film is advertised is through social media, this is a very big thing nowadays as so many people are on social media, and this way of marketing is also free and usually has a very big outcome. There’s also things such as websites and apps which advertise the film to audiences. Some marketing campaigns for films have gone viral in the past, one of these was for the film spider-man, this production company linked up with Evian (water) and created an advert to promote both companies, this is called synergy where two companies come together to promote them both and as a result of this they gain a bigger audience, this was a big success and made a lot of people of all ages want to go to see the film when it came out.
4.       The types of exhibition depend on the type of audience that the film is aiming to attract. For example, a you tube trailer would attract a large and maybe a younger audience because of the people that know and understand how to use you tube. Whereas, if the production company created a vimeo to promote their film then this is aimed at a much more specific audience as this may be used for a smaller film. 3D and 4D films cannot be pirated which allows the film to make more money as people will have to come and see the film in cinema rather than someone filming it and selling it so people can watch it at home. During the exchange stage of the production of the film, this is how the audience views the film, there are many ways that people view and watch films nowadays and this is mainly due to what devices and websites are available to them. For example people can now watch films on: Netflix, amazon prime, DVD, Blu-Ray, sky movies, cinema, streaming

5.     Digital technology plays a major role in the production of films and without it film wouldn’t get half the audience that they get. However, there is some positives and negatives of digital technologies uses. Positives are that it allows production companies to promote and advertise in many ways which then creates a wider and bigger audience to come and see the film when it comes out. However, a negative of digital technology is that it is now used to watch films illegally, for example people now put films that are currently in the cinema onto websites where people can then watch them for free and they then don’t have to go to the cinema and pay to watch them which is actually what the production companies of the films aim for their audience to be doing and not watching them at home. 

Monday 3 April 2017

Task 9: Terminology Quiz

Film term
Mainstream film
This is a well-known film with a high budget and a big audience.
Fast and furious 6
Mainstream cinema
This is a cinema which only shows blockbuster and well known films.
Odeon cinema.
Independent film
This is a film with a low budget and not a very big target audience as it isn’t very well known.
American honey
Independent cinema
This is a cinema which shows small films as well as big ones sometimes.
Everyman cinema.
This is the company which makes the film.
This is the company that releases and promotes the film (marketing).

This is the advertisement of the film, this is how the film attracts its audience.
This is a platform that people can watch the film on.
Multinational conglomerate
This is when a company owns many branches all around the world, such as television, theme parks, radio.
Walt Disney
This is when a single company owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.
This is a market structure in which a small number of firms has the large majority of market share.
Paramount pictures
Name the big six
20th Century Fox
Paramount Pictures
Warner Bros

Horizontal Integration
This is the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same part of the supply chain.
Vertical Integration
This is the combination in one firm of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate firms.

This is when two companies work together to create a bigger effect than they would have if they worked separately.
Apple - App (game)
This is when the film decides to create products to sell to promote their film.
Frozen teddy - Frozen film.
Ultra violet
A movie system that allows films to be downloaded onto various devices.

Above the line
All the stuff that is in the production budget – costs money.

Below the line
Marketing that doesn’t cost money.
Social media
Technological Convergence/Cross media convergence
This is when two technical items are turned into one.
Sam Smith and Adele - Skyfall
This is a sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an individual or group.

This is selling the films onto cinemas either independent or mainstream.

This is the unauthorised use of reproduction of another person’s work.

Task 8: Technology

Task 7: Audience and Cinema Going Statistics

What days do audiences go to the cinema?
In 2015 there was 171.9 million admissions to cinemas, the most popular month in this year was December as there was 18.5 cinema admissions in this month alone. In 2014 there was a total of 157.5 million admissions and the most popular months of this year were August and December which both had the same number of admissions (17.1 million).

What are the most popular genres and what was the top film in each of these genres?
The most popular genres are: action, animation, sci-fi, comedy and drama. The most popular film for action was 'Spectre', this genre was the highest earning genre of 2015 taking 30% of the box office. The top animation film was 'Minions'. The top sci-fi film was 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'. The top comedy film was 'Pitch Perfect 2'. Finally, the top drama film was 'Fifty shades of Grey'.

How do audiences hear about films?
There are many ways that production and distribution companies promote their films to attract their target audiences. Some of the ways that audiences hear about films are: advertising campaigns (such as trailers), merchandise for the film, social media accounts and also interviews of the actors who are in the film. If one character in the film is very popular and has a lot of fans they may post on their social media account which has many followers about the film and this may then attract these people to go watch the film.

Do audiences prefer US, UK or other nationality films?
29% of the films released in 2015 were US films and these films had 51% of the box office earnings, UK films had 45% of the box office earnings.

Do audiences like 3D films?
There was 34 3D films released in 2015, these films received a total of £137 million, this was 11% of the box office takings. Many films that were released in 2015 were also available in 3D, this gives people the choice as to whether they want to see the film in 3D or in 2D, 3D is becoming a lot more popular than it used to be.

What other ways do audiences watch films other than the cinema?
Nowadays there is many ways available to people to watch films rather than going to the cinema, this is due to many new devices coming out. You can watch films on DVD, Amazon Prime, Netflix, TV Streaming, Catchup TV, many people enjoy watching films this way as they can do it from the comfort of their own homes and they also usually save a lot of money watching films this way rather than paying to watch them in cinema.

Who do audiences go to cinema with?
In 2015, the largest population of cinema audience in the UK was made up of 15-24 year olds. Also, in 2015 films were dominated by a male audience (51%). When people go to the cinema it depends on their age, for example young children tend to go with their parents or family member, teenagers tend to go with their friends or partner and then older audiences either go with their friends, family or partner.

When and where are most audiences most likely to go to the cinema?
In 2015, 97% of cinemas in the UK were located in town centres. The South East had the most amount of multiplex cinemas in 2015 (436) this was 4 more than London at the time. The most popular box office cinemas in 2015 were: Odeon, Cineworld and Vue.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Task 6: Independent Cinemas

There are a few independent cinemas in the UK, many of them produce films of different genres. The ten independent cinemas that I have chosen are:
1. Genisis - London
2. The Cornerhouse - Manchester
3. The Electric - Biringham
4. Rio - London
5. The Rex - Elland
6. MAC - Birmingham
7. Hyde Park picture house - Leeds
8. Showroom Workstation - Sheffield
9. Movie Star - Canvey Island
10. The Grosvenor - Glasgow

1. The Genesis in London seems to show quite mainstream films, for example at the minute they are showing the film 'Get Out' which is quite a popular film at the moment. They are also showing a film called 'Boss Baby' which again is quite a mainstream film that is popular at the moment.
The typical audience member for this cinema could range from people from the ages of 4-50, this is such a big variety of ages but this is because of the types of films that the cinema is showing, for example 'Boss Baby' is a kids film whereas 'Get Out' is rated a 15 so many older people will go ton see this. However it may also be deaf people as some of the screenings are specifically subtitled which is quite unusual for cinemas.
This cinema is different from vue cinema for example as it has specific timings of films which have subtitles on. The prices for this film seem to be slightly cheaper than a mainstream cinema such as vue, they have certain prices for certain times and days, for example on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after 5pm it is £6.50 for an adult and then on a Wednesday it is only £3.50, this is a lot cheaper than mainstream cinemas.
2. The Cornerhouse cinema in Manchester seems to show independent films, or films that have a much lower budget than mainstream films, for example they are showing the film 'Moonlight'' which is a major independent film which has recently won many awards for its performance.
The audience that may go to this cinema are people that enjoy different films that maybe aren't advertised as much as mainstream films are.
Again for this cinema the price are a bit cheaper than a mainstream cinema such as cine world, for example for an adult's price is £7.50 whereas at cine world it would be at least £10 or more for a ticket, this could be what attracts people to go to independent cinemas as they are cheaper.
3. The Electric cinema in Birmingham seems to show a few different genres of films for example adventure and romance. They are showing 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Logan' which are two very different films, as well as other independent films which are drama and road movies,
The audience that this cinema attracts is a variety and this is due to the films that they show, for example beauty and the beast is a kids film so this would attract a lot of children to the cinema however 'Logan' is aimed at an older audience.
As this cinema shows a few mainstream films this means that there isn't a big difference between this cinema and a mainstream cinema. The price for any customer for a mainstream film is £14.30 which some people may find expensive, whereas if you wanted to watch an independent film at this cinema then it would be £9.50 which is cheaper,
4. Rio cinema in London only shows independent films, for example at the minuet they are showing: 'Singin in the rain' and 'Free fire' which are both independent films.
This cinema seems to aim to attract an older audience, this is because of the type of films they are showing. Also, not many children enjoy independent films so this cinema may not be attractive to them.
This cinema is quite a bit different to a mainstream cinema such as Odeon, this is because it doesn't show any mainstream films, only independent ones. The price for an adult ticket is £6 and then for a student, senior citizen, disabled person and an unwaged person it is £5 to watch a film, this is a big difference to what it would be to watch a film at a mainstream cinema.
5. The Rex cinema in Elland shows a mix between mainstream films an independent films, they are showing mainstream films that have been released for a couple of months which may not be in mainstream cinemas anymore and they are also showing independent films such as: 'La La Land'.
This cinema mainly aims to attract an older audience, this is because most of their films are rated 15/18, however there are some films showing with a rating of U so these could attract a younger audience.
This cinema is different to mainstream cinemas because it shows independent films as well as mainstream ones. The main thing that is different about this cinema is the seating arrangement, this is because this cinema has a bar within the arena and there is also seats upstairs and chairs around tables. To watch an independent film at this cinema it is £6.50 to sit downstairs and then to sit up stairs it is £10 per person.
6. The MAC cinema in Birmingham shows a mixture of mainstream and independent films, for example they are showing: 'The LEGO Batman Movie' which is a mainstream film, and then they are also showing: 'I am not your Negro' which is an independent film.
This cinema seems to aim to attract a wide range of audiences, this is because they are showing the LEGO Movie film which is aimed at a younger audience and then they are also showing the Negro film which is aimed at an older audience as it is based on a more matured topic.
This cinema is different form your typical cinema such as Vue as it has many different things that take place there, for example you can go there to watch live music, as well as theatre shows and art exhibitions, all of this is attractive to many people and this is why they visit the MAC.
7. Hyde Park picture house cinema in Leeds seems to show mainly mainstream films such as 'Finding Dory' and 'Jungle Book', however it does show some independent films.
This cinema seems to mainly attract a younger audience this is due to the films that they show, even though the films that they show have been out for a long period of time, it gives people who didn't get the chance to see it in a mainstream cinema to watch it.
The prices at this cinema are a bit cheaper than at a cinema such as Odeon for example, this is what could attract people to the cinema as they show good films for cheap prices, for example ticket prices range from £5.50-£7.
8. Showroom Workstation cinema in Sheffield is a very small cinema with only 4 screens, it shows mainstream films as well as independent films. For example they are currently showing the film: 'Get Out' which is a mainstream film and they are also showing: 'Moonlight' which is an indie film,
This cinema seems to aim to attract an older audience to watch their films, this is mainly because most of the films showing are rated 15 and above.
This cinema is different to mainstream cinemas because it shows independent films, it is also cheaper to watch a film at this cinema than it is at a mainstream cinema, for example an off peak adults ticket is £7.80.
9. Movie Star cinema in Canvey Island don't seem to show a lot of films, however the ones that they do are mainly mainstream which is more likely to attract a bigger audience.
The audience that they seem to aim to attract an audience that prefer a cheaper option, for example they have many offers especially for kids as they offer a kids club.
This cinema charges people a lot less than mainstream cinemas to watch a film, for example on Monday's-Thursday's is £3 per ticket for any age.
10. The Grosvenor cinema in Glasgow is another independent cinema which shows both mainstream and independent films, the genres of the films that they show are kids and family, adventure and animation films.
This cinema seems to attract a wide range of ages as an audience, this is because they have a certain showing where babies can go in the cinema, and they also don't show many horror movies which allows the rating of the films to stay low to allow more children to go to the cinema.
This cinema is different to mainstream cinemas as tickets are cheaper, however if you choose to sit on the sofas then it is £15 per ticket.