Tuesday 28 March 2017

Doc Martin - Regonalism

The small frame's throughout the clip show to the audience that the main character- Doc Martin is quite a closed person.
We see a high up angle of the plumber looking up to the doctor, this shows to the audience that he is quite a bit higher up than the plumber, it could also show the difference between the two areas that the two men are from, for example London is quite a high up and business city whereas the small village that the plumber is from is the complete opposite.
We see the Doc looking out of his window and then we see him looking down onto the girls who laugh at him, this was a low angle shot which showed to the audience that the Doc conforms the stereotype of business people looking down on younger people who may not have a job yet and are just enjoying life.
The smooth transitions from scene to scene could represent how simple life is in the small village compared to London life.
There is quite a fast pace throughout the clip for example we always see the Doc shouting and walking fast to get to places quickly, whereas we don't really see anyone from the village acting like this, this again shows the difference between the two areas.
The Doc gets the most screen time throughout the clip, this could be to represent that he is high up and it could also show that business men from London seem to get more attention ta for example business men from the small village where the Doc is now working.

Mise en Scene:
The costumes worn by the actors throughout the clip varies, we see the Doc wearing a suit and tie which again represents quite a high up business man from a big city such as London, however we then see the plumber from the village wearing overalls which shows the difference between the areas. We also see the group of girls wearing bright colours and tops and skirts, whereas you may not see this from young girls in the city as they might dress more smartly.
There is quite dull lighting in the Doc's house, this could show that he is quite a miserable person and doesn't light to interact much, however in the village it is quite bright and everyone seems friendly, this again shows the difference between a city and a village man.
The Doc as an actor is very uptight and doesn't seem to want to interact with anyone and just wants it focus on his job, this conforms the stereotype of a typical business man from London. However we then see the Doc being rude to the police man which subverts the stereotype of a business man who would usually be very polite to police officers. We then see the plumber's son who is quite intelligent and is actually working unlike his father, this subverts the stereotype of no one working in the village.
There isn't much makeup worn throughout the clip and this could represent that everyone in the village is quite accepting of each other which could be different to life in London for example where people may feel that they need to wear makeup to impress others or try to be someone they're not.
One prop in the clip is the dog that seems to keep following the Doc around, this could represent that people in the village are very friendly and welcoming and just want to welcome the Doc but we see him shutting the dog out and taking him away, this subverts the stereotype of everybody loving dogs because they are cute but it then conforms the stereotype of a typical London business man who  doesn't have time for anything other than his job.

The music throughout the clip seems to be building up to when the dog comes in the Doc's house and when the girls laugh at him, this could represent that he doesn't fit in in the village.
"I'm not a complete idiot" this quote from the Doc shows that he feels out of place in the village and that he feels quite separated from everyone else which subverts the stereotype of a business man because they are used to being in charge of everyone and never feeling out of place. However the quote: "hold this and shut up" of the Doc saying this to the plumber conforms the stereotype of the business man because he is bossing people about and not caring how he talks to them.
The main emotion that we see throughout the clip is angry, this is from the Doc which conforms the stereotype of someone from London. However another emotion that we see in the clip is happiness, this if from the plumber who seems to be happy and content with his job and life in the village, this conforms the stereotype of people who live in the countryside live a happier and better life.

Monday 20 March 2017


Mise en Scene:
  • The policemen are wearing uniform and this shows their authority straight away, they are all white which could show that white people are potentially seen as more important. The black and Asian people are all wearing ordinary cleaner clothes to show that they are represented as being poor and not intelligent so they have poorly paid jobs. This confirms the stereotype that everyone believes  in.
  • The lighting is bright at first and then it goes dark when being filmed in the small room, this could show that they aren't equal, the room is a store room which again shows that they aren't worth nearly as much as the other people in the building. The image of them all being shoved into the cupboard also shows that they are just treated like animals, they are treated differently to the other employees because of their race.
  • The white lady and the Chinese lady are quite high up, this shows they are in charge of the immigrants. We as an audience know this because of how they talk, they both speak English whereas the immigrants don't speak any English and are all very confused and scared at the situation, whereas the other two in charge are quite calm and used to the situation.
  • The props used are: the hoover- this is used to clean the floor in the hallway by the immigrant who doesn't actually make it in time to the cupboard to hide this shows that the immigrant's aren't allowed to work on the shop floor they work in areas which are mainly out of sight, such as the kitchen which is another prop, this shows that they only do low down jobs as the kitchen staff is full  of the immigrants and again they are in a place out the back and out of sight. Another really important prop is the jam which the man uses to bring the lady who fainted back round from her diabetic attack, this showed to the audience that he knew exactly what to do in that situation when the higher up lady who is in charge of all of the immigrants didn't know what to do or what was going on, this subverts the stereotype that the immigrants are inly good for low down jobs such as cleaning and cooking.
  • The room where the immigrants hide is like a small and cramped cupboard this shows that they aren't cared about by their bosses and don't have a specific room where they can hide.

Monday 13 March 2017


During the dance the music is feminine when the men and women are dancing together, and it then changes when the two gay men start to dance, this shows how they don't care what anybody else thinks and that they love each other.
At this point another man says: 'what's he doing?' this shows that he doesn't agree with his friends sexuality and he is confused at why he is dancing with another man and not a woman.
There was a loud bang which stopped the couple from dancing, this shows that not everybody is accepting of their sexuality and also it makes the audience feel disappointed because they wanted them to kiss and have their happy ending.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Big Six Films

20th century fox
Warner Bros
-The Shallows
-Money Monster
-Sausage Party
-Don’t Breathe

-Star trek beyond
-Zoolander 2
-Monster Trucks
-Jack Reacher: Never go back
-Florence Foster Jenkins
-10 Cloverfield Lane

-Finding Dory
-Pete’s Dragon
-Alice looking through the looking glass
-The BFG
-The Jungle Book
-Queen of Katwe
-Dead pool
-X men apocalypse
-Hidden Figures
-Why him?
-Kung Fu Panda 3
-Eddie the eagle
-Suicide Squad
-The Conjuring 2
-The Accountant
-Me Before You
-How to be single
-Lights out
-The nice guys
-The secret life of pets
-The Boss
-Neighbours 2
-The Huntsman
-The Purge

Fox Searchlight
-La La Land
-Dirty Grandpa
-Deepwater Horizon
-Now you see me 2

-Me Before you
-How to be single
-The Belko Experiment
-Kung Fu Panda 3
-The BFG
-The girl on the train
-The Birth of a Nation
-A United Kingdom
-Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie

We did some research in lesson to see what films the big six production companies had produced in the past year, and we had to compare them to films that the mini major companies had produced.
An independent film company is a company that produces its own film, they are films that are produced outside of a major film studio. They are also produced and distributed by independent, entertainment agencies. There are a few different independent film companies such as Red Crown Productions, Gilbert films and Pulse films. 

Independent film powerpoint

Friday 10 March 2017


The special effects in the clip happen when he moves the objects with his eyes, this shows that he has power even though he is of a lower class.
At the start of there clip he is in a place that he's not meant to be, and we then see him getting into a fight, this shows that he is of a lower class as he is getting into fights.
The clip is at a fast pace, especially in the fight scene, the change of pace during the fight scene shows that Merlin is getting a bit scared f the upper class man during the fight.
Merlin has the most screen time throughout the clip, even though he is of a lower class he is shown to have a lot of power because of  his special powers that he has.

Mise en scene:
The lower class people in the clip wear dirty, thin clothes and the upper class people wear clean, metal clothes which they are protected in. This shows the difference between there classes.
One prop that was used in the clip was the broomstick, the 'Lord' uses this to sweep dirt onto Merlin, this would usually be used by Merlin as he's of lower class so it shows that the upper class boy is mocking Merlin. Another prop used is the weapon, only the upper class boy knows how to use this and the lower class boy doesn't know how to, this again shows the difference between the classes.
The setting is in a castle which shows the expensive belongings of the upper class people, we then see the small, dirty village which is where we see the lower class people working and living.

Merlin refers to the upper class boy as 'Lord', this shows the difference between the two boys as the upper class boy doesn't even refer to Merlin by his first name and then the upper class boy is shocked when Merlin speaks to him in a rude way.
We hear animal noises and sounds of people working in the village, which shows that they are of a lower class, the animal noises are diegetic sound which links with the pan of the village showing the people working in poor conditions.
We hear the woman's footsteps in the castle which shows her level of authority as they make her seem powerful.
The music at the start of the clip tells the audience that the boy isn't meant to be where he is, we know this as it gets louder as the woman gets closer to the room where he is.

There's an establishing shot to show us the setting, this tells the audience the class of there people.
There is a close up of the jewel book and it tells us that Merlin doesn't know what it is because he is of a low class.
There is a high angle of Merlin coming down the stairs and this shows his innocence and it also makes him look small.
There is a point of view shot from Merlin's father, this shows his concern for his son getting involved in a fight with an upper class boy.